Mathematical Biology Seminar Mathematical Biology Seminar
The mathematical biology seminar meets approximately weekly each semester at the University of Central Florida. The purpose of the seminar is to serve as an open forum for those interested in this wide research area. The seminar format may include: formal and informal talks, tutorials, summaries of research papers, model formulation, problem attack, mathematical techniques, and so on. The actual topics discussed, both mathematical and biological, will vary from session to session depending on the interests of those presenting and attending. Anyone is welcome to attend.

Visit our calendar page to view past and upcoming talks

Visit our resources page which includes links to math biology societies, institutes, centers, research groups and more

If you would like to speak in the seminar or be added to the e-mail list, please contact the organizers at

Dr. Andrew Nevai
Department of Mathematics
University of Central Florida
    Dr. Zhisheng Shuai
Department of Mathematics
University of Central Florida